Tag Archives: Objectives

Assessment Objectives and Weightings

The scheme of assessment requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to:
– use media terminology appropriately to describe theoretical concerns and production techniques
– demonstrate a knowledge of mass media organisations and their structures including new technologies, output and the working practices and constraints under which they produce texts
– be aware of the impact of the mass media on people’s lives and the formation of social attitudes (AO1 – Knowledge and Understanding 15%)
– analyse and evaluate a range of media texts, their distinctive formats and conventions, including their own media productions consider the implications of media representations of individuals, groups, events and issues
– explore the relationship between the production of media texts and institutions  and their consumption by audiences (AO2 – Analysis and Interpretation 20%)
– use practical skills to create, individually or as a group, a media production, demonstrating creativity and initiative in using available resources
– undertake a range of pre-production tasks such as research, scripting, and storyboarding and production tasks such as recording, editing and design